How Singing and Music Classes Benefit Children

It’s often taken for granted, but music features widely in our lives and without it life would be dull. Getting children involved in singing and music classes has heaps of benefits – here’s the lowdown.

Music features in our lives from almost the time a baby is born. It’s taken for granted that being able to hear allows us to listen to the radio and CDs, hear all the sounds going on around us and, as a baby, hear the voices of our parents singing to us. Hearing songs, rhymes and simple rhythms can be very comforting for young children, especially when they’re feeling upset, irritated or tired out. It can help them relax and go to sleep, or music can be invigorating and exciting.

Listening to and joining in with songs when they’re able to also plays an important role in a child’s early education learning process. Songs involve the use of words and, as such, can help with a child’s understanding of language, words, speaking and even writing.

It’s helpful to introduce songs and singing to babies as soon as possible and to regularly sing to, or with, your child. Young children may not be able to say the proper words, but can still make the right noises.

Pre-school children will love to join in with songs and especially thrive on lively songs where plenty of actions can be done too. By the time they reach the age of five, a child’s voice will have developed well. Although they’re likely to have singing incorporated somewhere into the time at school, it’s good to continue to sing together at home.

Singing And Music Classes

There are a variety of singing and music classes available for children of all ages. Music-based classes for babies are common, bringing together parents and babies, and serve as a very good introduction to music and the learning benefits it provides. Often classes involve more than just singing – for example, singing and music is often paired together with baby signing tuition, as the songs help improve the learning process for baby signing (or baby sign language).

Classes such as baby swimming, or mother and baby groups, will often feature a song or listening to a piece of music at the start of a session, to relax everyone.

Learning to sing is a great skill for children to learn. It’s a way in which they’re able to express themselves, can help ease any stress in their life and gives them a boost of confidence in their own ability. Classes for five year olds and above will help them continue to enjoy music, try out singing a variety of different songs and interact with their peers along the way.

For those children who fancy it, there are always music performance classes available, often incorporating dance and drama too, where the eventual goal focuses on putting on a performance for parents. Other classes are more focused on the enjoyment factor of singing, although also may involve occasional performances too.

Singing is something that anyone can have a go at and there are a lot of long-term benefits to be gained from it. It’s a great hobby for children to have, so why not try and encourage your child to have a go?